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Tout à propos de Narcissa Black

univers :
harry potter, black family.
parchemins :
gif :
Profil - Narcissa Black 10d0871e867c2f7053392d1e16e8cbc8fcda826b
pseudo / avatar :
anaïs, w/amanda seyfried.
multi-comptes :
james, frank, ruben.
époque :
marauders era
relationships :
Profil - Narcissa Black Tumblr_ppm959oy7x1wjc1upo4_500
"Oh darling, people used to say that the black sisters were like true divinitys.”
Profil - Narcissa Black Bcf08886cd3346b361dc64acd1cfe2008fe6a8fe
you were the one i treated the worst, only because you loved me the most
we haven't spoken in a long time... i think about it sometimes.
côté coeur :
brave but smashed into pieces.
Narcissa Black
Narcissa Black